Friday, September 4, 2009

Tagging Along For the Ride...

Again it's been a long time since I last posted. Summer ended up being pretty busy and fun in the end, and the five-day canoe trip in Algonquin Park was one of my favourite things I have ever done. We are hoping to do it again next year, and I can't wait. I had no idea my body was capable of standing up to the amount of exertion it did that week!


These days, the anxiety that was so nicely packed away for several weeks has reared its ugly head and once again I feel powerless to stop it from consuming me. Why is being positive not enough?! It has a lot to do with money issues and Rob and I dealing with last minute preparations to go back to school. It's funny how school arrives like a surprise every fall, even when you knew it was coming all summer.

Speaking of school, at some point my desire to go back did arrive! I was almost certain I had seen the last of that sensation. Many later-years midwifery students had told me that the desire to be with women and babies DOES come back, but I felt so overwhelmed by the winter placement that I honestly couldn't see that happening. But here I am; it happened.

This year - my third - will be a little different. Rather than midwifery-focused placements, we do a series of one-month placements with complementing health care professionals. My first placement will be in a NICU, and after that I am off to the Women's Health Clinic in Winnipeg for a month. In January and February I will be doing a month with an OB and then a month with the L&D nurses. In March we have an elective placement, and I have chosen to do a month with midwives in Winnipeg. Our fourth year begins in May, which will be a year-long midwifery placement with increasing responsibility. I think of it as "The Beast", and it terrifies me... but I'm just gonna cross that bridge when I get to it.

I'm pretty excited about the placements this year. They will be challenging, but will involve a different kind of pressure.
